
Very soon

Only ten days are left and the Halloween will knock at our doors again. Getting ready for it?

Leaving abroad gave me a chance to be a part of the celebration. Basically for us it was an excuse to party with a reason, wearing different, interesting, funny, original, creative costumes and spending joyful time together. I am not sure how much of us knew about the origins of this day by then.

Here is a short informative part and a nice video for you.

Halloween is a holiday celebrated by various countries every year on 31 of October. What usually people do on this day? Here are typical activities of Halloween:

  • trick-or-treating also known as”guising”- Children in costumes travel from house to house in order to ask for treats such as candy (or, in some cultures money) with the question “trick or treat?”. The “trick” is a threat to perform mischief on the homeowners in case the treat is not given 
  • attending costume parties carving pumpkins into jak-o’-laterns (monstrous face) 
  • bonfire – outdoor fire 
  • apple bobbing – it is a game when the tube or a large basin is filled with water. One has to catch the apples located into the water with his teeth without using hands. 
  • visiting hunted attractions – entertainment simulating the experience of entering a haunted location those might be inhabited by ghosts, monsters, humorous characters… 
  • playing pranks – trick or joke played on someone 
  • telling scary stories and watching horror films

or simply organizing costume parties for fun.

For more interesting details about the origins of Halloween have a look on history.com 

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