”unforgettable butterflies”

On 19 October 1999, at the 17th meeting of the Third Committee during the 54th session of the General Assembly, the representative of the Dominican Republic introduced a draft resolution (document A/C.3/54/L.14) calling for the designation of 25 November as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

On 17 December 1999, the general Assembly at its 83th plenary meeting of the 54th session, on the bases of the report of the Third Committee, adopted Resolution 54/134 on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

Why 25 November?

The three sisters: Patria Mercedes Mirabal, María Argentina Minerva Mirabal and Antonia María Teresa Mirabal from Dominican Republic and their husbands were involved in activities against the Rafael Trujillo dictatorship regime.

On 25 November 1960, the sisters were assassinated in an ”accident” while being driven to visit their husbands who were in prison. The brutal assassination of the Merabl sisters was an impel for anti-Trujillo movement. Within a year Trujillo dictatorship came to an end.

The sisteres reffered to as the ”Unforgettable Butterflies” become a symbol against victimization of women. International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women is a global observance and not a public holiday. Governments, international organizations and NGOs are invited to organize activities on the day to raise public awareness of violence against women (one of the most widespread human rights abuses in all countries).

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