International Mountain Day

International Mountain Day

The UN General Assembly designated 11 December as International Mountain Day in 2003; “An opportunity to create awareness about the importance of mountains to life, to highlight the opportunities and constraints in mountain development and to build partnerships that will bring positive change to the world’s mountains and highlands”.

Various activities are organized on this day: book fairs, symposia, themed lectures for students, workshops and press events. Mountaineering and explorations societies may hold lectures and social events.

Every 11 December it is observed different theme related to sustainable mountain development. For example the World Mountain Forum on 11 December 2012 is dedicated to the Swiss mountains, and the the theme for this year is ”water and energy.”

This is a symbol of International Mountain Day

where blue ”dimond” shape represents ice or snow at the top of mountain. Orange circle in the enter represents resources that are mined from/in mountains. Green tringle represents crops that grow on mountains. 


-Mountains make up about one-fifth of the world’s landscape.

-Mountains are homes to at least one-tenth of the world’s people.

-More than half of world’s water originates in mountains.

… They are simply amazing! 

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