Who can make 2013 happy for you?

Who can make your 2013 happy?

Who was the first who entered your home on New Years?

The person who came to you to congratulate New Year is an important one, because on his/her leg depends if the year will be successful for you and your family.

We have this tradition and I remember very well from my childhood, that we had one relative, a man who seems to have a very good, fortunate leg, for our family, who used to come every year to say Happy New Year to us. So he used to be our ”mekvle” (the name of a person who is the first one to congratulate New Year by coming to your place).

So, as soon as you find out that the certain person brings luck to you, every year you try to organize everything in a way, for him/her to be your first guest.

What if meanwhile a neighbor would like to step into your home first? let us hope they won’t, unless s/he is not your usual Mekvle?!…

If you meet a person who has a list of homes he should visit during the day it means he is a very demanded Mekvle, so don’t make such person stay for a long time at your place, as there are other families looking forward to host him/her, hoping to have a successful and a happy year. 🙂

We usually say that a member of the family doesn’t count as a Mekvle, but who knows…

There is an old Georgian film were by accident a Mekvle is a dog, which was unexpected, but it turned out he brought great luck to the family, so next year everyone wanted this dog to be their Mekvle. So who knows may be a pet is the one who is able to make your year the way you wish it to be?! 🙂

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