The symbol of wisdome

The symbol of wisdom

According to the Chinese zodiac, related to the Chinese calendar, the year 2013 will be marked by zodiac sign Snake 蛇 .

A sign Snake marks all born in the years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001.

People born under the sign of the Snake are: intuitive, confident, calm, graceful, patient, charming, romantic, analytical in decision-making, intelligent…

Here are some recommendations – how to meet a new 2013 year, the year of Snake (element- water):

 – Try to be positive

 – Decorate your house with colors of: black, blue, white, dark green, gold, silver…

 – Meet new 2013 year at home with family

 – Instead of fake jewellery, try to wear pearls or some precious metal

 – Use the make up with the pearl ulster

 – Festive table smartly, remember that the snake loves wealth

 – Be practical in gift-making and present gifts those can be used in everyday life

 – Don’t forget to put under the New Year tree a little figurine, depicting a snake

Ah, New Year tree… according to feng shui, the tree decoration (color) depends on the place where you put a tree. Most common place for the tree turns out to be the South-East part of the house/flat. If a tree is situated on South-East, it is better to decorate it with red and yellow colors. White color decoration would be a nice to a tree located on the North-East. If you decide to put your tree on the East part, decorate it with white and blue colors.

As water is a symbol of wealth and life (also snake loves wealth) put under/around the tree some coins with silver or even gold color:) You can also make a wish and set the ribbon on your tree, the wish you would like to come true on the year of 2013 🙂

Have a beautiful, successful, calm and positive year! ☼

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