The Bookyard designed by an Italian artists

An outdoor library by an Italian artist

Do you love to read books? Do you also love nature? And do you love to read a book in the nature? So the beautiful place in Ghent (Belgium) could have been for you till September 2012 but it is still interesting to know…

The ”bookyard” was built by an Italian artist Massimo Bratolini for the Belgian art festival Track: A contemporary City Conversation.

Twelve shelves were built in a garden in line with the vines, surrounded by trees and grapevines. The green shelves were full with various books one could take any (leaving a donation in the designated box) to read in calm and enjoy the fresh air with a beautiful nature around.

– If it rained?

– Hopefully they could empty the shelves before the rain 🙂

See more on designboom.

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