Penguins under the fresh shower

Penguins under the fresh shower

William and Metthew Burrard-Lucas are brothers from the UK specializing in wildlife photography.

One of their favourite memories of the trip to the Falkland Island was photographing penguins having a shower.

Amazing photos of showering penguins were shot in Saunders Island (fourth largest of the Falkland Islands).

During hot summer Rockhopper penguins are having a fresh shower under a small waterfall. The freshwater shower allows them to wash the salt from their feathers.

”The penguins were splashing so much that keeping our gear dry was a never-ending battle… in the end we had to cover the camera with a hat and lift it briefly to take each shot. We also used several off-camera remote flashes to illuminate the penguins and the underside of the overhang”- says William on Burrard-Lucas blog.

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