Greenpink at Terrafutura

Terrafutura is an Italian, important fair-meeting that takes place since 2004.

This year Greenpink also participates in Terrafutura, for its first time, presenting itself in public, to meet people also outside of virtual network  🙂 It is our pleasure to serve people, give them all information what Greenpink is and why it is 🙂

At the stand of Greenpink we offer people to taste delicious Bio Energy Drink (Pure Bio) and some biscuits, those are a part of the products one can find at the shop of Greenpink (

At our stand one can find different products such: natural cosmetics, alimentation as for animals,also for humans.

Music makes the atmosphere more enjoyable, it is nice to meet differrent people with different interests and more nice is when you see they are interested in Greenpink and are willing to support us and being with us 🙂

At the evenings we offer an aperitivo and a small party to everyone who would like to join and be with us. 

Enjoy Greenpink! ☼ 


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