A kiss

Today is World kiss day or International kissing day, the same.

Did you already kissed your beloved one? If not what are you waiting for? 🙂 Give him/her a good morning kiss!

I must say: I do not like when people do it in public, well depends also the way one does it. However it seems so private and intimate to me that if I want to kiss in public, it is done in a very humble way, if you know what I mean 🙂 (Am I old fashioned? mmm…)

I do not think anyone kisses only because of benefits kiss has, what benefits?!

Ah, by the way, did you know that there exist kiss Scientists who study kissing? They are called Philematologists.

They have discovered various benefits of kissing, here re some of them:

Kissing makes us happier

Kissing lowers stress

Kissing keeps us healthier

Kissing relaxes while keeping facial muscles strong.

Kissing also helps to burn calories! ☼

Are you still here in front of the computer?

Go and kiss!

It is time to kiiiiiisss! 🙂


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