Watch 62 years global warming in 13 seconds

Watch 62 years global warming in 13 seconds

The Earth is alive. All organisms existing in our nature are alive and/so with time things evolve. Processes are going on and very often human being can’t do anything against.

But human being can try to avoid the acceleration of predictable and/or potential processes and take care more of the planet and the nature he lives in.

The video below lasts only for 13 seconds but it depicts temperature changing around the world since 1950.

The data come from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York (GISS), which monitors global surface temperatures.

As Nasa notes, “All 10 of the warmest years in the GISS analysis have occurred since 1998, continuing a trend of temperatures well above the mid-20th century average.”



Read the whole story on Cliamte Centrale.

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