Pallet turns into bookshelf

The ”abandoned” pallet was placed for days outside to be thrown away. Several times I passed by and suddenly it came in my mind, that I could do something from it, using it, recycling it. And that something was a book shelf.

I did not do too much. The first thing I did was colouring it. Bought a colour and painted it into dark brown, as I wanted that colour, thinking would match with the other furniture of home.

After it dried I started to collect all things I have in my recycle corner, I needed things to decorate it. I started with wine taps, cutting them into two pieces and fixing them on the pallet. The next row of pallet I decorated with old keys, that part I like the most, don’t know why 🙂 and the third, the last row of pallet I decorated with 1 cents, (they are very small and cute), that part is not bad neither.

At the end I put on/inside some books and was very happy with my idea of bookshelf pallet.

Enough to have an idea, to try to make it come true and be satisfied just enjoying what you are creating.

Good luck with your creativity fantasy! 🙂

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