Girls and financial literacy

Girl Scouts of the USA founded in 1912, is the pre-eminent leadership development organization for girls, with 3.2 million girl and adult members worldwide. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

A report by Girl Scout research Institute – (formed in 2000, is a vital extension of Girl Scouts of the USA’s commitment to addressing the complex and ever-changing needs of girls ) surveyed 1040 girls ages 8 to 17 found that girls are averse to debt.

88 percent say they are likely to make more money than their parents, and nearly all girls say it is likely that they will have jobs or careers they enjoy (98 percent), be able to provide for their families (96 percent), and own their own homes (95 percent) one day.

Would be interesting to make the same research for Italian girls, wouldn’t it? 🙂


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